The Apprenticeship Beings.
Calculating My Baseline Footprint.
Setting my Sights.
Setting my Sights.
You can’t get to where you are going if you don’t know where you are.
One of my first step in becoming a Carbon Warrior is to know where I am starting from.
What is my current contribution to the Climate Crisis? What mark am I leaving on
the planet today? What legacy am I leaving to the future?
My goal to become a Carbon Warrior is to cut my individual carbon use in half, but,
the first step is to establish a starting point, a baseline.
Counting how much Carbon I cause by turning on a light? By eating dinner?
By driving to soccer? That’s hard. It takes math, and data, and records, and
assumptions, and estimates.
Fortunately there are some relatively simple on-line calculators that make this
easier. I’ll share a couple here, but there may be others that work better for you.
The CoolClimate Network is a partnership program run through the University of
Calculator provides an interactive calculator, some options for what data to input,
and results in a footprint by household. It is relatively simple to use, intuitive, and
flexible. This calculator includes different tabs and charts for travel, home, food, and
“stuff.” It also provides a nice interface for taking action and finding strategies to
reduce your footprint.
The calculator I used mostly is from a private British company, CarbonFootprint.Com, This tool calculates an individual footprint.
It allows you to input more detailed data, and even change some parameters. The car
tab, for example, asks for data about your specific vehicle make and model. The air
travel tab, calculates based on specific flights and routes.
I started by looking through my files for old electric bills. I called my oil company for past
delivery data. I checked my car maintenance records for mileage figures.
Then I made some guesses and…
delivery data. I checked my car maintenance records for mileage figures.
Then I made some guesses and…
I have a total baseline Carbon Footprint of 14 metric tons of carbon per year!
So what? Is that good? Bad?
According to, the average American’s footprint is 16.5 metric tons.
OK. I’m better than average. That’s good. Not surprising.
The average for people in industrial countries worldwide (Europe, Japan, etc.) is 11 tons.
Well, now my 14 tons does not seem so impressive.
The average worldwide per person footprint, 4 tons.
Holy crap, seriously? I guess we, in the developed world, kinda suck.
The worldwide average target to adequately combat climate change?
Two (2) tons per person per year.
Two (2) tons per person per year.
To be a Carbon Warrior, my goal is to cut my 14 tons of carbon per year in half to 7 tons.
A serious goal, but even that won’t get our planet back.
Its a journey of a thousand steps. One step at a time.
The Apprentice Path:
What you can do.
The Apprentice Path:
What you can do.
- Try out one of these (or another) Carbon Calculator. What's your baseline?
- Take three minutes and truly consider, "do I have a carbon reduction goal?"
- If you do have a Carbon reduction goal. Share it with a friend.
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