The CarbonWarrior:
One middle-class American’s journey
against Climate Change.
against Climate Change.
Have you been struck by one of the myriad of climate related natural disaster yet? Fires, floods, hurricanes? Perhaps you know someone affected by Catrina or Maria or the Camp Fire. Maybe you just notice the changes in climate and know the worst is coming.
The Climate Crisis is the new normal.
This is a blog about one Apprentice's journey to become a warrior in the battle against the Climate Crisis. One person's exploration of what each of us might do, individually, to be a part of the solution, rather than succumbing to being part of the problem.
What and Why:
“The Why” is easier. If you are reading this then you already know Climate Change is
happening. More importantly, you know the we, humans, you and I, are causing it.
Now. Today. Tomorrow.
Now. Today. Tomorrow.
Climate Change is a Crisis that we need to combat. And by “we,” I mean societies,
governments, communities, and yes, every individual - me.
This is my journey to fight Climate Change, to reduce my “Carbon Footprint,” to become
a Carbon Warrior.
a Carbon Warrior.
I begin today, as an apprentice. I have a hard road ahead.
Now “The What.”
What is a “Carbon Footprint”? What is a “Carbon Warrior”?
What is a “Carbon Footprint”? What is a “Carbon Warrior”?
Our footprint is the mark we leave behind. It is our scar left on the earth. Our carbon
footprint is the amount of carbon that each of us, (usually measured in tons per year),
contribute to the atmosphere, and thus a measure of our annual contribution to the
Climate Crisis.
The most recent report for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
shows that that if we don’t cut our carbon emissions at least in half, and damn soon,
the planet is doomed.
For me, being a Carbon Warrior means simply that.
Cut my individual Carbon Footprint in half.
Of course, IPCC also stated that the world really needs to get to carbon zero by 2040.
But let’s take this one step, one serious step, at a time.
The Warrior Metaphor:
In this journey, I use the language of war, of battle, of combat. I am not a hawk, but I
believe it to be apt language. The planet has never faced an enemy as great as
Human-Caused Climate Change. Past reasons to go to war, may pale in comparison.
Our fight against the Climate Crisis will require determination, planning, investment, and
sacrifice. Yes, sacrifice.
War is the only metaphor that makes sense.
My journey as an apprentice begins.
Following the Carbon Apprentice Path:
For each post entry, I offer tips, suggestions, thoughts and reflections on the path ahead.
We are all apprentices.
Perhaps you strive to be warriors.
For today's footstep, I ask you to read and consider, at least two more entries,
take two more steps along the apprentice path.
This seems to be a popular post, Eating Animals
Here is my latest: Breaking it down...
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Our planet will die by the death of a thousand cuts, or survive by the journey of a
thousand footsteps. Begin the journey.